Willits Chamber of Commerce

Welcome To The
Willits Chamber of Commerce


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The Willits Chamber

The Willits Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit 501c (6) business organization. We are a vital part of the Willits community, bringing together business, industry, and local government to achieve common goals of enhancing the economic health and vitality to improve the quality of life of our town. This site provides the answers you need about visiting, doing business in Willits, relocating to our region, or becoming a Chamber member. Please feel free to visit our office for brochures, maps and additional information.
WCOC Calendar of Events

Mark Your Calendar


Become engaged, making important connections for your business through networking and events. Willits comes alive with activities for kids, live music, merchant booths, street food vendors, and crowds of neighbors stopping by to offer friendly hellos.

Updates & News

Stay up to date on what’s happening in the Willits Business Community. The Chamber keeps you informed and puts a spotlight on the events and activities of our partners.

Monthly Featured Business

Willits Chamber of Commerce-Adventist Health Howard Memorial Hospital

Adventist Health
Howard Memorial

Willits Chamber of Commerce member, Adventist Health Howard Memorial, is leading the way in comprehensive healthcare. Adventist Health Howard Memorial is part of Adventist Health, a nonprofit, faith-based healthcare system serving the West Coast and Hawaii.

At Adventist Health Howard Memorial, you’re never just a patient. You’re so much more. Our award-winning health services are built to help you everything life has to offer. Together, our team of compassionate and talented caregivers proudly serves Willits and beyond with quality and patient experience at the heart of what we do — every visit, every connection and every moment.

Gold & Platinum Members

The Willits Chamber of Commerce would like to thank these valued members for going above and beyond in their committment to our Community

Willits Chamber of Commerce Member Adventist Health Howard Memorial
Willits Chamber of Commerce Member METAL fx
Willits Chamber of Commerce Member PG&E
Willits Chamber of Commerce Member Essential Fleet Services
Willits Chamber of Commerce Member Redwood Waste Solutions
Willits Chamber of Commerce Member Mendo Web Design